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MAHPs English Spellings and Handwriting


Spelling at MAHPS

At MAHPs we aim for all children:

  • to spell confidently most of the words they are likely to use in their own writing (Reception: 1st 45 words, Y1: First 100 words, Y2: Next 200 words, Y3/4 word list, Y5/6 word list)
  • to learn how to spell common exception words
  • to be able to make sensible attempts to spell words which they have not seen before
  • To be able to use a dictionary effectively to aid their spelling.

Teaching Spelling

To teach spelling across the school we use a variety of methods to teach spelling. These include:

  • Focusing on key words
  • Study of rhyme
  • Investigating word families
  • Teaching phonics
  • Learning weekly words either following a pattern or from own writing, and followed up with a spelling test or dictation

Spelling is taught through activities and investigation. In Reception, Year 1 and Year2, spelling is linked to phonics. From Years 3 to 6, spelling is taught weekly within English sessions following the English Curriculum and using the 2014 National Curriculum. The First 100 High Frequency and Next 200 High Frequency words are also taught. Good spelling and good handwriting are taught in partnership. Children practise clusters or strings of letters that belong to the English writing system. Independence is also encouraged through the regular use of dictionaries.

Handwriting at MAHPs
At MAHPs we aim for our pupils to develop a neat, legible, speedy handwriting style using continuous cursive letters that leads to producing letters and words automatically in independent writing.

In EYFS and KS1 we teach children how to form cursive letters but not to join these letters just yet. By the end of Year 6, pupils will be able to correctly form cursive letter and continuously join these.

By the end of Year 6 the children will understand the importance of neat presentation and the need for different letterforms (cursive, printed or capital letters) to help communicate meaning clearly.

Our teachers are encouraged to use neat, joined-up continuous cursive writing for all handwriting tasks including report writing, marking and comments.

Handwriting frequency

Handwriting is a cross-curricular task and will be taken into consideration during all lessons. Formal teaching of handwriting is to be carried out regularly and systematically to ensure Key Stage targets are met.

Handwriting Examples

For a more indepth understanding of the continuos cursive style of handwriting visit the website below:#https://teachhandwriting.co.uk/continuous-cursive-joins-choice-1.html

This website has short videos to show you how your child can form and join letters.



Pre Cursive


Continuous Cursive

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