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Reporting Illness, Lateness or a Medical Appointment:

If your child is sick or has a doctor's or dentist appointment, please inform the Attendance Officer before school starts every day of the absence. The two ways you can report the absence are:

📧 Email: pupilabsence@mahps.uk (press to begin email)
📲 Leave a voicemail message: 0113 336 8350 (option 1)

Please note: we must see evidence in order to authorise a medical appointment (text confirmations, letters, appointment cards, prescriptions etc are all good). Please either email a screenshot to the above address, or show evidence to the Office staff upon your arrival. If evidence is not provided, we cannot authorise the absence.


Requesting Any Other Leave / Absence In-term:

Any absence from school that is not the child being unwell / a medical appointment must be applied for using the online Leave of Absence Request Form. Parents must wait for written approval from the Headteacher before taking any day(s) of leave. If parents don't get approval or don't submit the form, the day(s) will be marked as unauthorised. Please use the link below:

Leave of Absence Request Form (press to open)


1-Minute Guide to the Attendance Policy

Please regularly review the requirements for school and for parents around attendance in our 1-Minute Guide to the Attendance Policy. Thank you for your hard work getting your children into school on-time and ready to learn. We really appreciate your support with this:

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