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Resource Provision

reading scheme

Click the picture above to watch a video about our reading scheme in school. 

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School hosts Leeds City Council’s Resource provision for pupils who are deaf and hearing impaired. We usually cater for pupils from reception class to year 6 who live in the Leeds  area.

We have a child centered approach which focuses on your child’s individual needs. As a result of this, children attending use a variety of communication methods, including spoken English, British Sign

Language (BSL) and Sign Supported English (SSE) to access the curriculum. We aim for pupils to become independent learners who are confident in their chosen method of  communication.

Pupils are supported by special trained staff from the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Team (DAHIT).

Dig Hard Hope and Social.mp4

Hope and Social, a local band, recently came in to Moor Allerton Hall to perform for the children as part of their Secret Santa project. Our children had a surprise for them. They had been learning the signs to one of their songs!


The children have been learning the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

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