Home Learning Challenges
Welcome to our Home Learning Challenges Page.
The challenges are entirely voluntary but give your child extra opportunity to investigate their current topics further if they wish.
The Home Challenge Sheets are designed to give your child a choice of activity linked to a particular topic your child is currently studying. The activities maybe art, English, design, science, geography or history based. These will help your child learn the topic or subject matter in different ways. The challenges are designed to motivate all learners' interests and support each child's current level of learning.
The activities are designed to be on a sliding scale of how much:
- time required for completion
- support needed
- level of challenge (writing or reading needed)
Challenges start at 1 point for completion (quick, lower challenge with little adult support) all the way up to 7 points for completion (substantial time, adult support and higher challenge).
Completion of these home challenge sheets can be done at your child's pace and we encourage you to allow you child to choose the level and amount of challenge they wish to do. You may wish to set the number of points they can achieve over a given period of time. This is best done together so your child is not overburdened.
These activities are meant specifically for you to complete and enjoy at home together and are not intended for your child to bring these back into school. However, if your child is particulalry proud of a piece of work and wishes to share this with their class or teacher we would welcome this greatly. We would recommend the children complete these activities over a long period of time during term time or spaced out over a holiday, which ever is easier for you and your family.
To save printing and paper costs, we suggest you don't print off the Home Learning Challenges but download them and view them on the computer.
Home Learning Challenges - Autumn Geography
Home Learning Challenges - Spring History
Home Learning Challenges - Summer History
English Activity Journals
The Activity Journals have been kindly prepared and developed for free by TTS https://www.tts-group.co.uk/ . Thank you.
English Activity Journals - Talk for Writing
These English Activity Journals have been kindly developed for free by Talk for Writing at https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/ . Thank you.