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Art at Moor Allerton Hall 

MAHPs Art Intent

Creativity and Inspiration

Our aim at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School is to encourage our pupils to nurture their creativity and to inspire an enjoyment and love of art and design in all its forms. The golden thread running throughout school is promoted through art by providing opportunities for pupils' personal development in sketchbooks and celebrating inclusivity and cultural and local community similarities and differences, through topic work and cross curricular links. We learn how art and design reflects and shapes our history through the work of different artists and artisans. We also value art experimentation and resilience through our learning muscles and general can-do attitude, which permeates all curriculum areas and allows children to improve their artwork even more. Art is about the journey and acquiring a good balance between the key skills, techniques, knowledge of artists and artisans and a willingness to experiment, personalise, improve, and challenge themselves along the way.


Skills and Knowledge

In the EYFS, the main aims are to enjoy art, learning the basic skills and techniques to be built upon as they progress through school. We encourage them to develop their curiosity regarding various media and how they can experiment with them.

In Y1 and Y2 we teach basic art skills and techniques and to learn about a different artist, sculptor, designer, and architect from the past to the present, locally where possible, and around the world, every half term. As pupils progress, they build on their knowledge of artists and artisans through research and begin to develop an understanding of their significance in the art world, their impact on our lives and changes they have been responsible for.

By the end of KS2, we want our children to leave our school with a wide range of Art and Design skills, a broad and varied knowledge of different artists and artisans and a willingness to experiment, reflect, improve, and challenge themselves artistically using their personal sketchbooks to help them do so. This is achieved by:

  • creating sketch books to record research on artists and artisans, ideas and thoughts and practice techniques and skills to refer to. These sketchbooks are personal and go with each child from Y2 to Y6.
  • improving their proficiency in art and design techniques and key skills, including drawing, painting, and sculpture with a range of materials (for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay)
  • learned about renowned artists, architects, and designers in history through to the present day and including some local artists.
  • Inspiration and enjoyment of all aspects of art and design.
  • understanding the importance of the subject, its impact on the world and how it relates to many other subjects.
  • to develop and broaden their creative language and vocabulary and ability to use this to convey their own ideas, preferences, and thoughts.

Implementing Art at MAHPs

Support for Teachers

Class teachers are supported in a range of ways:

  • medium term plans that complement the topics taught in each year group as well as covering the necessary art skills.
  • a series of Art and Design key performance indicators, which outline progression from Year 1-6
  • Subtle and skilled use of assessment with examples of ARE for each year group.
  • ideas for art and design rich visits (galleries) and opportunities within existing trips (architecture and design in churches/ cathedrals/mosques).
  • Resources and links related to specific skills and techniques, topics, i.e., suffragettes and artists and artisans as research starting points.
  • Reaching out to local high school, family members and art students to work with children in areas of art and design they are good at and enjoy, enhancing and shaping their knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject.

Planning for Art

Art in MAHPs has a curriculum which …

  • is carefully planned to build and develop new skills, techniques, knowledge, and art appreciation
  • develops children’s curiosity and enquiry, learning to examine, question and analyse and personal child-led challenge
  • to develop pupils understanding of why we study art and design given an approach based upon skills and developing techniques
  • understanding the contribution that people, events, and art movements have made to our way of life now
  • is inclusive and considers all religions, race, cultures, age, abilities, and gender

Measuring the Impact of our Art Curriculum

Assessing Development of Skills and Knowledge

Art has been developed as a discreet subject, developing skills, vocabulary and understanding of techniques, as well as a supporting subject with cross-curricular links to most topics. Children are learning how it enriches the world around us including understanding and appreciation of art and design locally and around the world.

We want to enusre the children are enthusiastic about the subject and demonstrate high levels of enjoyment throughout the school.

To assess how well our children are progessing in art, teachers refer to their sketchbooks to see personal progression in skills and to identify how their knowledge is developing about the work of different artists and artisans.

Teachers also assess and display the children's final pieces of art work, which is displayed attractively around school to show the children their work is valued.

Pupil Voice

Children have become more curious, expressive, and confident in demonstrating the new skills they have learned and are keen to discuss new skills they have learned, talk about other art and artist and consider ways they may improve their own work.

MAHPs Art Curriculum Overview