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Year 4

year 4 shout out

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Practicing Multiplication tables at home

Practising  times tables at home should be done in a fun and engaging way. You could encourage your child to use our subscription for TT Rockstars or Purple Mash (click on the links to your left). These online sites help children to practise their times tables, while having fun.

Additionally, if you want to review the times tables with your child, make the process quick, fun and only use 5 or less time table facts each day. This doesn't over burden the child's capacity to hold the information in their working memory and will help them remember the key facts easier. For ideas on how to practise times tables with your child click and follow the Oxford Owl web link below.

Autumn Term

Important information...

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Just as reminder your child will undertake a mutliplication check during the Summer term of Year 4.

This check is a mandatory governmental check across England for all Year 4 children and will be completed online. Check the information booklet below for more details.

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