Purple Mash
As part of the children’s Home Learning experience they will be able to access two safe online platforms the school subscribes to: Purple Mash and Active Learn.
Purple Mash has a vast array of learning opportunities the children can access, all linked to the curriculum. The children are very experienced user of this platform as this is the platform we use to teach our Computing Curriculum. However, we would like the children to know use the different content to help support their learning across all areas of the curriculum. It might be best to familiarize yourself with each area of the Purple Mash platform as this will enable you and your child to get the best out of this brilliant online resource.
When accessing Purple Mash you will find it organized in to the different areas below:
Tools: allows children to: paint, write (using leaflets, news reports etc.), code and even make music.
Games: allows children to reinforce their learning through a wide range of games
Mini Mash: a series of activities aimed at our EYFS learners
Subject areas: these have activities and games linked to each of the curriculum areas.
Communicating using Purple Mash
In Upper School (Year 3 – 6) the 2Email part of Purple Mash will allow you and your child to directly communicate with your class teacher and to be able to communicate in a safe environment with their class mates. To send an email, navigate to the Tools section then click on the 2Email button and this will open up the email section (see below). From this, the children should be able to compose and email to their class mates and their teachers. They can open up their Address Book to find their class mates and teacher then select them the compose their email. They are also able to attach pictures and photos.
Important Online Safety Message:
We urge you to encourage your children to communicate through Purple Mash as it is a safe place. Social Media platforms such as Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok are all inappropriate and children under 13 should not be using these and are not allowed to create accounts. When children are using Purple Mash, we are able to monitor their emails, however it is important the children are responsible users of 2Email and use kind words and children are encouraged to report abusive or unkind emails to teachers. Nevertheless, it is also important you are monitoring you child’s use of this content.
Setting children work: 2DO
Teachers will also be able to set the children activities on Purple Mash through the 2DO option. As the children work through their Activity Journals or Topic Challenges, it might also be worth linking your child’s activities in Purple Mash to the current topic they are learning, for example: if your child is learning about Romans then there is a topic section on this in Purple Mash where they have lots of activities linked to that topic.
Active Learn – Bug Club
Active Learn (Bug Club) is an excellent online library that allows your child to be able to read online books and take part in differentiated comprehension activities. This will also allow teachers to monitor what your child is reading and how well they are doing in their comprehension activities. Teachers are then able to adjust the children’s reading level up and down to suit that child’s individual needs.
Finally, if you have questions regarding the content of this Home Learning section of our website please contact the school email and someone will contact you to help.
Purple Mash guide to logging on
Mr Maher has put together a guide here on how to log on to the Purple Mash site.
Purple Mash Email
Here is a guide on how to email your teacher in a secure way using Purple Mash. Staff will be checking their Purple Mash emails at least once a day but please be patient and give them time to respond to any questions your child may have.
Purple Mash 2DO
Mr Maher has put together a guide here on how to access the 2DO section of Purple Mash.
Purple Mash uploading work
Here is a guide on how to upload any work you have completed at home to show your teacher.
White Rose Maths Guide
Here is a guide to support with online maths activities.
Active Learn - Bug Club Guide
This guide will give you an overview of how to access Active Learn's Bug Club. This is the school's online reading website where children can access books and complete comprehensions and activities.
Purple Mash Displayboards
This Purple Mash Guide will show you how to acces and view other children's work in Purple Mash.
Purple Mash Mini Mash Guide
This guide will take the user through Purple Mash's Mini Mash. This area in Purple Mash is specifically designed for our Early Years Learners.
Using Purple Mash Music Creator
This guide will take the user through Purple Mash's Music Creator.