MAHPs English Reading
Reading Comprehension and Fluency
Reading comprehension skills are taught throughout school and texts are chosen to challenge and interest the children. From Y2-6 whole class reading lessons and English lessons are used to cover the comprehension skills using the reading dogs, content domains and vocabulary. Children also have an individual reading book from a selection within their class to develop their fluency and comprehension.
Story Time - Learning to Love Reading
We have a class story time every day. This builds enjoyment and at the same time the teacher can model how they use the comprehension skills. A well thought out range of quality texts have been chosen to reflect the diversity of our school, tackle issues and to reflect and extend the experiences of our children. Our homework is all based around reading. Children are expected to read at least 3x a week at home. This is checked by teachers and support offered to families who may need it. Families can also use Bug club- an online reading tool.
Access to Great Books
We are determined that all our children will have access to good books and a supportive adult to read with. We offer free breakfast club places for PP children and hear the children read regularly. We also offer a free book swap system. The school library has a wide range of books by popular and classical authors as well as non-fiction texts for children to choose. We also use the local authority library service to enhance the collection of texts we can offer children, both fiction and non-fiction.
Promoting Reading
We have a series of planned events during the school year to promote literacy and enjoyment eg World Book Day, author visit, spooky story night, bedtime story, poetry day, reward assemblies, reading assembly, sponsored reads.
MAHPs Reading Spine
At MAHPS good quality books are at the centre of our English curriculum. We have developed a core of wonderful books to inspire our children from Nursery to Year 6. The books have been carefully chosen to reflect the diversity and experiences of our children. They will also challenge the children to think, feel, extend their vocabulary, to understand the perspectives of others and build cultural capital. We would like to share some of this list with parents so you can borrow or buy the books to support your children. Here are a few of our favourites.