Family Support- Narinder Bahra and Meena Rai
Pupils at Moor Allerton Hall are supported by a team of professionals. We have two learning mentors who work with pupils and their families on issues such as attendance and punctuality, health and welfare and strategies to maximise learning. They are joined by our Family Support Worker and Attendance Officer. They also provide pastoral support in the form of friendship groups and social and emotional development programmes. They are available from 8:30am every morning to talk to parents and can also be contacted after school until 4:30pm.
At Moor Allerton Hall Primary School we believe that families, parents and carers of our pupils should feel as included and supported by the school as their children are.
Help and support may include:
- Helping to improve the home/school link,
- Strategies for parents/carers to improve behaviour in the home,
- Support for those families undergoing changes such as family breakdown,
- Signposting and help to access services from external agencies and community services,
- Organising family support workshops that cover topics including building respect and resilience in your child, communication, discipline and managing behaviour,
- Helping to fill in benefit application forms,
- Helping to manage school attendance and offering support for those families with absence and lateness issues,
- Support to access benefit/housing/SEN or EHCP,
- 1:1 advice and support,
- A listening ear.