Reception- Spring 1- Frozen Kingdoms
'The culture of care that is present throughout the rest of the school begins here and is evident in children’s thoughtfulness towards each other and adults.' Ofsted Report May 2017
Each of the 7 areas of learning above is divided up into more specific areas of learning. For example, Literacy is divided into reading and writing skills. Maths is split into numbers and counting, calculating and shape, space and measure.
Whilst these areas are quite defined it is recognised that children do not develop in each area separately. With this in mind reception classes are organised into specific areas called ‘areas of provision’.
These areas are planned for and are provided continually. A range of resources is organised within each area to facilitate children’s independence access. Most areas of provision provide varied opportunities for children to make progress across the six areas of learning. However, most areas will be particularly supportive of children’s learning within two or three key areas of learning.
' There is a clear focus on the development of speaking and listening . There are regular opportunities for discussion on things that pupils are familiar with. Pupils enjoy joining in with rhymes, songs and familiar
stories. Staff encourage pupils to investigate and explore . They help pupils to learn through play, for example suggesting pupils count how many superheroes they had released from a jar.' Ofsted report September 2019
'Reading has a high priority throughout the school. Staff and pupils recognise that it can open the door to learning in other subjects. Phonics lessons are well structured. Most pupils quickly gain the skills they need to be able to become fluent readers. Well trained staff give effective support to any pupils that begin to struggle. Most
pupils gain the skills they need to read with understanding and develop a love of reading.' Ofsted report September 2019
To see the full EYFS curriculum click on the link below: