School Uniform
Our School uniform list
Please see the list below:
- Royal blue sweatshirt/sweat cardigan with optional embroidered logo
- Blue knit cardigan with optional embroidered logo.
- Pale blue polo shirt with optional embroidered logo
- Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
- Royal blue/grey shalwar Kameez
- Pale blue dress (for summer)
- Hajaab (head scarves) in plain colour : blue/grey/black/white
Book bags can be purchased from school.
NB. Please remember to clearly mark all your child’s clothes.
PE Kit
Children will no longer change for PE at school. They need to wear PE kit into school on PE days. This consists of a pair of black shorts, leggings or jogging trousers, a plain white T-shirt or polo shirt and the school sweater or cardigan. We also ask that children wear pumps or trainers for outdoor P.E.
PE kits can be ordered from the school office.
New School Shoes - Think Active!
We want all of our children to be active at playtimes and get the most out of our daily mile. If you are choosing new school shoes for September we recommend trainers or lace up shoes with good grips on the soles for both boys and girls. Slip on shoes, particularly the ballet style, or shoes with poor grip can stop your child being active. Good footwear will encourage your child to run, jump, climb, have fun and stay fit.
To encourage all children to have good shoes for fitness, we have relaxed our rule on only black trainers as we know these are hard to get for girls. Plain trainers in white, black or grey will be acceptable for all children please no multi-coloured, glittery trainers in school – save those for the weekend.
Make sure your child can join in.
All our uniform is available from Rawcliffe’s School Wear Centre, Roundhay Road, Oakwood, Leeds.
You can also purchase by following the link below
Parts of the school uniform such as skirts, trousers and PE kit can be purchased from all major supermarkets.
Use the link http://www.stikins.co.uk to order Stikins name labels and raise money for our school
FOMAH School Uniform Sales
Our Parent Association, Friends of Moor Allerton Hall run regular uniform stalls throughout the year where you can purchase second-hand school uniform at very reasonable prices. Donation of old good quality uniform is always welcome.