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MAHPS Homework Expectation

At Moor Allerton Hall we focus most of our homework time on reading as the ability to read is vital for you child's overall progression. This is why it is one of MAHP's most important aspects of our school/home partnership. Reading builds up self confidence and opens up future learning at school and in life. Research shows that children who are supported at home with their reading make better progress in all subjects at school.

As well as Reading at home, we understand that some families might want to work on other areas of the curriculum with their children. With this in mind, we have provide some resources, challenges and advice for families to explore spellings, arithmetic and other areas of our curriculum in our Home Learning challenges.

Reading at home - School Expectations

How often should my child read?

Children are expected to read at home at least 3 times a week (daily is even better!). For developing readers (EYFS to Year 2) this should be with an adult. As children become more fluent, from Year 3 onwards, this could be independent.

However, parents must sign the reading record book at least 3 times a week to show the class teacher that your child has read with you, or has read their book independently. If your child is reading independently, spending time talking about the story and playing word games will support them e.g. finding rhymes, spot the synonyms.

What to expect from my child's class teacher:

➢ If your child reads at home regularly and goes above and beyond, this will be recognised in class.

➢ However, the class teacher will check and contact you if your child is not reading at home to find out the reasons why.

➢ If you have any problems listening to your child read, please speak to the class teacher as we will be able to offer some support.

Advice for reading at home

Books to read at home

Additional Home Learning - Spellings

You may want to review your child's spellings with them each week. This is not an expectation by the school but it may help your child feel more confident with their spellings if you spend a small amount of time practising them at home. Use the support and guidance below to help make this fun and engaging while your child learns.

Advice for learning spellings at home

Spelling Lists




Additional Home Learning - Maths: Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)

You child could also learn their Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) each half term to support their mental maths. 

With regards to KIRFs, Lower School runs from Reception (red one) to Year 2+ (turquoise). Upper School then starts at Year 3 and ends with Year 7 so the children can look ahead and be prepared for high school. Any questions please ask your class teacher.

KIRFS Autumn

KIRFS Spring

KIRFS Summer

Additional Home Learning Maths - Times Tables

As well as learning their KIRFS, your child may want to spend some time practising their times tables. This should be done in a fun and engaging way. You could encourage your child to use our subscription for TT Rocks or Purple Mash. These online sites help children to practise their times tables, while having fun.

Additionally, if you want to review the times tables with your child, make the process quick, fun and only use 5 or less time table facts each day. This doesn't over burden the child's capacity to hold the information in their working memory and will help them remember the key facts easier. For ideas on how to practise times tables with your child click and follow the Oxford Owl web link below.

Advice for learning Time Tables


Online Times Table Content

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