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Support for Students

What we offer to our children attending Moor Allerton Hall Primary School

  • Launch Weeks
  • Mental health strand in the PSHCE programme of study and mindfulness at the start of each PSHCE lesson
  • Mind Mate lessons being fed into PSHCE programme of study
  • Work around recognised weeks such as Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Nurture groups and 1-1 check ins
  • My Mental Health Rocks programme of study for specific identified children
  • Assemblies linked to PSHCE programme and My Health My School questionnaire
  • Extra-curricular activities like mindfulness colouring at lunchtime, music groups, performing groups and clubs available through external coaches.
  • Pupil Voice and debating clubs including focus on Oracy throughout the curriculum
  • Communication Friendly strategies and consistent approach to PSHCE
  • Experiences and revised curriculum for our children
  • Pupil questionnaires
  • Revised behaviour policy
  • Journal writing from year 2-6
  • Zones of regulation
  • Work on relationships
  • Podcasts by children
  • Work on awareness of neurodiversity/individual needs
  • Artsmarks- focus on performance and music appreciation
  • Young voices
  • Successful football teams
  •  New playground equipment and zones
  • Recovery curriculum post COVID