- Regular opportunities to come into school for year group parent events or workshops
- Community events such as PTA meetings, Summer, Winter Fair and Talent Show
- Website and social media sites
- Wellbeing groups eg walking groups to Roundhay Park
- Regular contact through text and email service and monthly newsletters
- Family Support Worker and Learning Mentor support targeted families
- Seven staff members now trained in Mental Health First Aid
- Behaviour support through Cluster
- Links with other schools in our Family of Schools
- Links with Leeds Beckett university
- Referrals to CAMHS and Play Therapy support
- Andy’s man’s club
- Network between Learning Mentors in North Leeds led by our learning mentor
- Pastoral team available for support and signposting to the following....
- Zarach- funding and support
- Engage- housing support
- Battle scars- Self harm
- PCSO Andy- reading with some children in school
- Just B – child bereavement
- Food parcels
- Victim support
- Mindmate
- Beck- work with the cluster
- Elevate- therapeutic support
- Leeds Baby bank